How to Find the Best Butter Chicken In Toronto

B utter chicken is a healthy snack made from scratch, with love. Made with real ingredients, no artificial flavors or colors, and just a hint of buttery flavour from an egg, this snack is low in calories but high in protein, carbs, fibre and healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. It's perfect for those on the go or just looking for a quick and tasty dinner idea. Butter chicken is the perfect meal when you want to feel full without eating a lot of food. In fact, ordering butter chicken in Toronto is best to taste the butter chicken has a nice combination of flavors that make it pleasantly satisfying even if you're not normally a fan of spicy foods. How to find the best butter chicken: Where do you get the best butter chicken in Toronto ? I've been yet to find a place that serves up this local food icon, but the internet is filled with photos of people queuing up at Butter Chicken locations. Butter chicken restaurants have been popping up around. ever since local ne...